So I've decided to join a directory. I've found my readership, well... lacking. I write this stuff for you, people! Anyway, I'm hoping that Technorati pushes some traffic my way.
Which, I suppose, is today's technological lesson on blog promotion. Get out there and promote, peoples! Joining a directory can be one of the most valuable things you can do to push your traffic to the next level. Since this blog is hosted by blogger, and Google owns blogger, there wasn't really much for me to worry about when it came to submitting to search engines. SEO is still important, but my posts are on Google automatically. However, people aren't necessarily looking for blogs when they type their query into Google, and I know personally that I try to avoid blogs when searching on certain subjects. That's where Technorati comes in.
At Technorati, blog search is all they do. You know the people visiting Technorati are in search of a juicy blog to read, so posting there is playing to their interests already. Then all you have to do is write some entries with good content in them, and you're off to the races.
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