We set up four computers, two of while are dual-monitored, and played video games into the wee hours of the morning, both Friday and Saturday nights. The goal was to get my character on World of Warcraft to level 70 before the end of the weekend, so I can start joining them on raids. We achieved this goal and then some, getting me to 70 and getting me some gear. For those who don't play, or don't speak the language, this is a good thing, and will allow me to play with them online more often.
We also spent some time talking about our own video game, now known only as Pirates. I'll give you more details as we close in on a beta, but for now I'll tell you that we've got a good idea of our next step, and will be working one or two nights a week together to get things done. We're still in the basic coding stages, setting up communication between the client that my younger brother is hacking away at, and the server, which is my responsibility. We're hoping to have solid functionality set up by mid-June, when we'll do another one of these weekends.
So it was a good time. We had some laughs, get really tired together, and generally just bonded over computery goodness. Many more weekends like this are planned.
Oh, and sorry to everybody for missing the Geek Toy last Friday... I was busy pwning nubs. Anyway, here's a little web tid-bit to make up for it. Play with THIS for a while...
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